Tiffany Cook

About Me

I am a Certified Personal Trainer, Online  Fitness Coach, and Nutritionist.  I am a person who loves inspiring and  motivating others in becoming the best versions of themselves.

I am a mom of 2 teenage girls who keep me on the go with their extracurricular activities.  I am a firm believer that I have to lead by example.  If I want them to be active and healthy, I have to show them what that looks like. 

I have always lived an active lifestyle from early years to present whether it was Volleyball, Basketball, Track n Field, to dance.  Fitness became a true passion when I lost my dad in 2013.  He was overweight and had some underlying health issues that the family wasn't aware of.  After being away from family during my grieving process, I turned to working out as my outlet.  The more I trained the more I knew I wanted to help others.

I began training in person and virtually in 2019. No matter the fitness goals, I knew I wanted to be apart of the process of helping people change their lives or better their lives through exercise, strength training, and proper nutrition.

Let Me VS Me Fitness help you reach your goals.